Friday, August 1, 2008

What is MilwaukeeMatters?

The Breakdown:
On Thrusday, June 26 2008, the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors voted to put a referendum on the November ballot that would allow voters to decide if they wanted to take Parks, Transit and EMS off the property taxes and create a dedicated funding source for these services. On Wednesday, July 16 2008, the County Executive vetoed the decision to put the referendum on the ballot. On Thursday, September 4 2008, the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors will have one chance to override the veto.

The Public Policy Forum recently came out with a study that details the cataclysmic state of the Milwaukee County Transit System. Milwaukee County Parks were once a shining jewel of green space in the urban landscape and now has been failing some of the most basic indicators of a functioning system.

The Task at Hand:
MilwaukeeMatters is devoted to informing Milwaukee County Residents on how to fight for our Parks and our Transit, and to tell our elected officials to do what's right, give Milwaukee County Residents the chance to make our voices heard and vote YES for Parks, Transit and lower property taxes. I will be posting points that I find relevant to this conversation, but I encourage others who are passionate about Milwaukee County to post their thoughts as well. This fight is not only worthwhile, but its worth winning!

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