Friday, August 1, 2008

Referendum on Property Tax Reduction, Saving Transit and Parks Funding


1.MCTS is a highly efficient transit system
Points to Consider:
  • Within the last ten years we've gone to an award winning system to one of the sharpest drops in ridership nationally. We need to fix this, NOW!
  • MCTS ranks first when compared to peer systems in cost effectiveness
With such an effective system there is no more fat to trim, and MCTS has gone from a diet to starvation in ten short years. It's time to MCTS back on the healthy track

  • While the pursuit of efficiency improvements should continue at MCTS, cost savings may be limited because of the system’s already better-than-average efficiency ratings.
  • MCTS ranks 3rd and 5th respectively against its peers in these two revenue categories (directly generated revenue and state government aid, respectively), while it receives comparatively less revenue from federal and local sources compared to peer system averages.

Without basic funding, the system will die
Points to Consider:
  • MCTS has already spent its rainy day money (not on rainy days, but on basic operational needs because there is no adjusted or dedicated funding source).
  • The recent study put out by the Public Policy Forum illustrates the need for a serious and quick reverse in the last ten-year trend.
  • The current approach of cutting service and raising fares has necessarily cut ridership which creates a downward "Death Spiral".
The health of MCTS is directly related to the health of Milwaukee County, and we need to make sure that neither are in danger.

  • The model of bus MCTS currently uses needs to be replaced every 12 years. We are now pushing our 15th year without replacement of a large section of the fleet. This has lead to record breakdowns in the last 3 years, all which would have been avoided if there were a dedicated funding source for transit.

3.MCTS provides a vital service for Milwaukee County

Points to Consider:

  • MCTS provides more than 150,000 passenger trips daily in the Milwaukee area providing mobility and freedom for all types of people.
  • MCTS serves 1 of every 12 Milwaukeeans every day
  • Milwaukee's various festivals are made more accessible by MCTS and allow for people to not have to deal with the stress and cost of driving, parking and gas.
  • MCTS has a dedicated group of non-captive riders actively supporting Milwaukee's mass transit system

MCTS is a safe, environmentally friendly, cost efficient transportation option that serves all of Milwaukee County. It serves the interest of Milwaukee residents to make sure this vital service is well maintained.

  • One full bus takes between 25 and 30 cars off the road.
  • Nearly 70% of riders have access to an automobile but choose to ride the bus instead… saving them money on gas, parking and maintenance of their car.

4. Transit gets working people to work

Points to Consider: MCTS connects people to jobs, and helps employers maintain a steady reliable workforce to and from the job.

  • 43% of the 150,000 daily rides that MCTS provides are to get people to and from their jobs.
5.As gas prices go up, so does ridership
Points to Consider:
  • With the rise in gas prices, more people will want to take the bus.
  • Due to the rise in gas prices, there is more of a need now than ever for a good, functioning transit system.
More people are using the more affordable, less stressful alternative to driving to work each day.

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Taxes 1.) No more unfair subsidies!
Points to Consider:
  • The current system only taxes Milwaukee County property owners in order to support our parks, even though many from outside of Milwaukee County come and use them.

With this reform, we will no longer make Milwaukee County residents subsidize the activities of those who come in and enjoy our parks but do not have to pay for them.


  • Around 33% of sales taxes in Milwaukee County come from people who live outside of Milwaukee County, while 100% of property taxes are paid by property owners in Milwaukee County.


1.)Milwaukee's once glorious parks are now in the toilets
Points to Consider:
  • Milwaukee's Parks are in sever decline
  • A good park system draws young couples and adds to the quality of life for everyone
  • Without a good park system Milwaukee would lose out on a huge attraction
Our parks are fantastic, but rundown. They are in need of upkeep and care.


What is MilwaukeeMatters?

The Breakdown:
On Thrusday, June 26 2008, the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors voted to put a referendum on the November ballot that would allow voters to decide if they wanted to take Parks, Transit and EMS off the property taxes and create a dedicated funding source for these services. On Wednesday, July 16 2008, the County Executive vetoed the decision to put the referendum on the ballot. On Thursday, September 4 2008, the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors will have one chance to override the veto.

The Public Policy Forum recently came out with a study that details the cataclysmic state of the Milwaukee County Transit System. Milwaukee County Parks were once a shining jewel of green space in the urban landscape and now has been failing some of the most basic indicators of a functioning system.

The Task at Hand:
MilwaukeeMatters is devoted to informing Milwaukee County Residents on how to fight for our Parks and our Transit, and to tell our elected officials to do what's right, give Milwaukee County Residents the chance to make our voices heard and vote YES for Parks, Transit and lower property taxes. I will be posting points that I find relevant to this conversation, but I encourage others who are passionate about Milwaukee County to post their thoughts as well. This fight is not only worthwhile, but its worth winning!